Monday, 11 April 2016

Week 4 - Animations

A short video summing up the composition of my Building.

The composition of the Jeff's Motorcycle studio.

The composition of Givenchy's studio

Week 4 - Developed Sketchup Model


The walls are constructed of rough white concrete to build on the harshness of the idea of "Strut." The staircase travelling up to the Strut building is made of wood and the windows of this building are made of glass. The Crude structure is made of thick black leather to make it seem like it's the thick rubber of a tyre. The ramp/ stair inside this building is made of steel to look like the rims of a wheel.

Section of the Final Model

Week 3 - Video

Week 3 - Textures on Model

Updated Model - it looks more like the section now.

View Givenchy shoe
Rough Texture

View of Jeff's motorbike
Leathery Texture
Wooden texture used on staircase to go to Strut building

Week 3 - Textures

List of Textures

Week 2 - Modeled Staircases

Staircase from exhibition space to Strut building. 
 Material Selection: The poles surrounding the staircase are made of brown granite, a strong material which is able to support the structure above and the staircase within and fundamentally acts as the balustrade for the stairs. The stairs themselves are made of solid white concrete to add to the sophistication of the Givenchy building. The windows of the building are made of glass to give the designer plenty of natural light to work. The walls and floor are constructed of white polished concrete for a pristine look.

Staircase from exhibition space to Crude building. 
 Material selection: The balustrades are made of glass to make the ramp/stair appear as if it's floating or even speeding through the air. The ramp/ stair itself is made of steel to look like a tyre rim since it sits inside the tyre-looking building. The footholds on the stairs are made of black concrete with steel lines on top to look like footholds of a motorbike. The building itself is made of black asphalt to appear like one enormously thick rubbery tyre.

Week 2 - Staircase Sections

This staircase goes from the exhibition space to the Strut building in Draft 1. 
This staircase goes from the exhibition space to the Crude building in Draft 1.

This staircase goes from the exhibition space to the Crude building in Draft 2. 

This staircase goes from the exhibition space to the Crude building in Draft 2.

Week 1 - Draft Model 1


Material Selection: For the top structure: The vertical and leaning walls are constructed of white-painted concrete to give the building a pristine look which complies with Givenchy. Two adjacent "walls" are made of glass to give the building more of a sense of space as well as giving the audience panoramic views. The roof is constructed of steel.
For the bottom structure: The curved walls are made of white marble as it's a heavy material which corresponds with Jeff's densely constructed motorbikes. 


Week 1 - 18 Sections

Left  -  Speed-Strut

Right  -  Convolution-Unstable
Left  -  Crude-Unstable

Right  -  Crude-Protrude

Left  -  Convolution-Protrude

Right  -  Strut-Crude

Left  -  Unstable-Speed

Right  -  Protrude-Speed

Top  -  Strut-Convolution
Bottom  -  Protrude-Convolution
19th Sketch