Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Week 3 - Developed Light Rail Stop

"People can inhabit anything as they can be miserable in anything or ecstatic in anything; their kind of paradise which is the ultimate goal of architecture to create for them." 

- Rem Koolhaas & Alvaar Alto

The experience of waiting for a train is not normally expected to be pleasant, however this paradise-like design makes it something to look forward to, shown by the lounge-like seats and benches around a water fountain.

The notion of "people inhabiting anything" is clear through the fact that people can reside in these simple blob structures.

This paradise-like design allows people to experience it in different ways "as they can be miserable... or ecstatic."

Sketchup File

Lumion File

Week 3 - Custom Textures

Light to Dark Textures
Textures used in Model

Dark texture - Used on the Railway tracks

Light texture - Used on the Light Rail tunnel

Medium texture - Used on the curvilinear surface

Week 2 - Developed Parallel Projection

"People can inhabit anything; they can be miserable in anything or ecstatic in anything" - Rem Koolhaas
"The ultimate goal of architecture is to create a paradise" - Alvaar Alto
"People can inhabit anything as they can be miserable in anything or ecstatic in anything; their kind of paradise which is the ultimate goal of an architect to create for them"

Week 2 - "Electroliquid Aggregation" - Parallel Projections

"The shapes and designs that surround us are the music accompanying tragedy and tragedy and comedy" - Alto     
"Bigness - dismiss scale and proportion as no longer applicable to contemporary architecture" - Koolhaas ......


"People can inhabit anything; they can be miserable in anything or ecstatic in anything" - Koolhaas    +      
"The ultimate goal of architecture is to create a paradise" - Alto .........


"Where space was once considered permanent it now feels transitory - on its way to becoming" - Koolhaas
"Create a sense of warmth and humanity as opposed to sheer function" - Alto


Week 1 - Developed Axonometric

"People can inhabit anything; they can be miserable  in anything or ecstatic in anything" - Rem Koolhaas

EXP2........ Week 1 - 12 Axonometrics

"Bigness - dismiss scale and proportion as no longer applicable to contemporary architecture" - Rem Koolhaas 

"Where space was considered permanent it now feels transitory - on its way to becoming" - Rem Koolhaas

"The shapes and designs that surround us are the music accompaning tragedy and comedy" - Alvaar Alto

"Create a sense of warmth and humanity as opposed to sheer function" - Alvaar Alto

"The ultimate goal of architecture is to create a paradise" - Alvaar Alto

"People can inhabit anything; they can be miserable in anything or ecstatic in anything" - Rem Koolhaas

Monday, 11 April 2016

Week 4 - Animations

A short video summing up the composition of my Building.

The composition of the Jeff's Motorcycle studio.

The composition of Givenchy's studio

Week 4 - Developed Sketchup Model


The walls are constructed of rough white concrete to build on the harshness of the idea of "Strut." The staircase travelling up to the Strut building is made of wood and the windows of this building are made of glass. The Crude structure is made of thick black leather to make it seem like it's the thick rubber of a tyre. The ramp/ stair inside this building is made of steel to look like the rims of a wheel.

Section of the Final Model

Week 3 - Video


Week 3 - Textures on Model

Updated Model - it looks more like the section now.

View Givenchy shoe
Rough Texture

View of Jeff's motorbike
Leathery Texture
Wooden texture used on staircase to go to Strut building

Week 3 - Textures

List of Textures